Pieces of Nurul Suhaimi
The wife-to-be journey..
Monday, 6 January 2014
Hati ini
Tidak disini dan tidak jg di situ hati ini.. terus pejal, keras dan kaku..
x pula tumpahnya mutiara jernih dari bibir mata..
tidak juga ia berkaca..
x pula tumpahnya mutiara jernih dari bibir mata..
tidak juga ia berkaca..
Mana perginya hati rapuh serapuh dahan kayu reput di lantai bumi itu..
Mana perginya mata hening yang sering berkaca menggugurkan mutiara jernih ibarat titisan2 embun pagi yg gugur tatkala matahari cuba menyebar sinar..
Mana perginya juga emosi nipis yang sering carik terobek luka..
Mana perginya mata hening yang sering berkaca menggugurkan mutiara jernih ibarat titisan2 embun pagi yg gugur tatkala matahari cuba menyebar sinar..
Mana perginya juga emosi nipis yang sering carik terobek luka..
Kemana dia yang dulu..
Yang satu ketika lemah tertindih sepi tatkala hati dirobek hina..
Yang satu ketika dulu tak pernah percaya hatinya akan hancur dimamah kejujuran palsu sang pencinta penglipur lara..
Yang satu ketika lemah tertindih sepi tatkala hati dirobek hina..
Yang satu ketika dulu tak pernah percaya hatinya akan hancur dimamah kejujuran palsu sang pencinta penglipur lara..
Hilangnya dia dibawa pergi oleh si pencinta hina..
Abah Mama tersayang
Tak kira jam, hari, situasi, jauh, dekat, mama abah sentiasa ada bila kita perlukan.. sama ada nak luah perasaan kecewa, gembira, sedih, marah, terluka, stress, nak bermanja atau prlukan pndapat, mereka sentiasa ada nasihat dan pandangan yg paling bernas.. juga pendengar yg plg setia.. dan xpernah merungut dalam apa jua keadaan.. sentiasa nk yg trbaik untuk anak2.
Siapa kata mama abah jauh jadi xdpat spend banyak masa dgn kitorg.. jarak x mnjauhkan kasih syg, lg2 zaman teknologi ni. Cuma ada inisiatif nak contact diorang atau tak je.. Bak kata pepatah "biar jauh di mata tapi dekat di hati"...
"Masa dekat dimata x dihargai, bila dah jauh berbatu mula nak mencari".. ye la sebab dulu masa skolah duduk rumah dengan abah mama xde lagi nak belajar tentang kehidupan ni dari diorang. Now bila dah duduk jauh mula la trhegeh2 cari abah mama bila ada pape atau just nak manja2.. it's okay la nak manja2 dengan diorang.. bukan orang lain pun.. abah mama juga..
Mungkin saya habiskan banyak masa di tempat kerja tapi dari A to Z semua berkongsi dengan mama abah. Kadang2 even bestfriend pun tak tahu tapi mama abah dah tahu.. dan Kadang2 instinct parents ni dah tahu something before it ever happen. Jadi xpayahla nak sorok pape. Berkesudahan nanti tertangkap wet-handed. ;) Contoh senang nye bila awak tu dah fall in love ke, mula la apa yg direport kat abah mama tu lain dari lain.. biasa xkuar dinner jadi kuar dinner. Biasa weekend lepak shah alam jadi weekend lepak kl.biasa beramai-ramai ni berdua.. tapi tu contoh je.. kalau nak bagi contoh lain kang panjang sangat plak.
mama abah yg paling kenal kita n paling tahu siapa diri kita walau kita cuba menafikan... x ade siapa boleh nafikan kenyataan tu..
ye, sy memang anak abah mama.. mmg da umur20-an tapi sy masih anak kecil mereka.. terima dan telan kenyataan tu..
#throwback #qasehfamily
Friday, 8 November 2013
How to forgive someone who betrays you....
(Read this few weeks back... You may read but you might not want to apply it)... just sharing.. Happy reading guys..
How to Forgive Someone Who Betrays You..
Betrayal is like a train wreck, everyone sees the victims after the accident but no one saw the accident coming. You never see betrayal coming until it happens and harms you. This is what makes it so painful to accept. To betray is defined as being handed over to the hands of the enemy, a violation of trust, or to violate by fraud or unfaithfulness. It could mean someone has revealed your secret or deceived you by letting something appear differently than it really is. The big question here is “Why”. Why did this person do this to me? Even in the law there is a dividing of circumstances.
1. Take control of your emotions. Don't get angry, anger is not a helpful emotion. It does not help someone to see straight.
How to Forgive Someone Who Betrays You..
Betrayal is like a train wreck, everyone sees the victims after the accident but no one saw the accident coming. You never see betrayal coming until it happens and harms you. This is what makes it so painful to accept. To betray is defined as being handed over to the hands of the enemy, a violation of trust, or to violate by fraud or unfaithfulness. It could mean someone has revealed your secret or deceived you by letting something appear differently than it really is. The big question here is “Why”. Why did this person do this to me? Even in the law there is a dividing of circumstances.
1. Take control of your emotions. Don't get angry, anger is not a helpful emotion. It does not help someone to see straight.
2. Stay calm. If you have just been betrayed, you will have to be as calm as possible to protect yourself from more harm.
3. Resist the urge to beg and plead your position. That is a position of weakness not as a strong place. If someone has been unfaithful to you, let that person go to the other person. Never beg them to stay; you are worth more than that.
4. Walk away from them. This means go in the opposite direction from them. You do not chase them, you do not cling to them, and you let them do whatever they have chosen to do but without you in their life.
5. Do nothing, give them no resistance. This is power over your life and brings peace. They can live their life just as they want too, as long as it is away from you. Weak people will let them have it both ways. The strong position makes them choose which way they will live. They can be either with you or with the other but not with both of you. It may be great for them to have both of you but if it makes your life not peaceful why tolerate it?
6. Let go and let God take care of it. Sometimes we want to run the world but it is not our job. Your job is to live your life as peacefully as possible. All you have to do is forgive. You are forgiving for your benefit. Bad feelings do not make us happy nor do they make us become the best we can be. You can become happy again. There is a whole world out there to love again, a new relationship, a new friend you can even have a whole new family. Family is not only the people we share blood with, it is the people who love us.
7. Learn this lesson. Forgiveness does not mean we have to go to lunch with the person that betrayed us. Many times it is when we are gone from their life that the person sees how valuable we are in their life. But first we need to treat ourselves with value and respect and love our self before others will treat us with love and respect. This does not mean that we should ever allow anyone to physically abuse us.
8. Think no evil. Tell yourself that they would have done better if they knew how to do better and CHOSE TO FORGIVE them. Keep this saying in mind “How do you know what you don’t know if you don’t know what you don’t know?”
3. Resist the urge to beg and plead your position. That is a position of weakness not as a strong place. If someone has been unfaithful to you, let that person go to the other person. Never beg them to stay; you are worth more than that.
4. Walk away from them. This means go in the opposite direction from them. You do not chase them, you do not cling to them, and you let them do whatever they have chosen to do but without you in their life.
5. Do nothing, give them no resistance. This is power over your life and brings peace. They can live their life just as they want too, as long as it is away from you. Weak people will let them have it both ways. The strong position makes them choose which way they will live. They can be either with you or with the other but not with both of you. It may be great for them to have both of you but if it makes your life not peaceful why tolerate it?
6. Let go and let God take care of it. Sometimes we want to run the world but it is not our job. Your job is to live your life as peacefully as possible. All you have to do is forgive. You are forgiving for your benefit. Bad feelings do not make us happy nor do they make us become the best we can be. You can become happy again. There is a whole world out there to love again, a new relationship, a new friend you can even have a whole new family. Family is not only the people we share blood with, it is the people who love us.
7. Learn this lesson. Forgiveness does not mean we have to go to lunch with the person that betrayed us. Many times it is when we are gone from their life that the person sees how valuable we are in their life. But first we need to treat ourselves with value and respect and love our self before others will treat us with love and respect. This does not mean that we should ever allow anyone to physically abuse us.
8. Think no evil. Tell yourself that they would have done better if they knew how to do better and CHOSE TO FORGIVE them. Keep this saying in mind “How do you know what you don’t know if you don’t know what you don’t know?”
Monday, 14 October 2013
Jujur dalam Pandangan Islam
Maksud Jujur Mengikut Pandangan Islam
Orang kata, " Berkata benarlah walaupun pahit ".
Sejak kecil kita telah dididik oleh kedua ibubapa kita supaya sentiasa jujur dalam setiap perbuatan dan percakapan.
Hal ini kerana perbuatan jujur akan membawa kepada kebaikan dan kebaikan itu akan membawa kita ke arah syurga.
Mengikut pandangan ulama islam, jujur itu adalah kesesuaian perkataan dan perbuatan yang dizahirkan mengikut gerak batinnya selama tidak tergelincir daripada landasan syariat. Orang yang jujur akan sentiasa memastikan setiap tindakan, percakapan, kelakuan dan sebagainya menepati ajaran islam.
Menurut Sayidina Ali, orang yang jujur akan mendapat 3 perkara iaitu kepercayaan, cinta dan rasa hormat. Cuba lah kita jawab dengan menggunakan akal fikiran kita sendiri persoalan di bawah.
Pertama: Adakah kita akan memberikan kepercayaan kita kepada seorang yang jujur atau orang yang suka berdusta( menipu ) ??
Kedua: Bertambah ke rasa cinta kita apabila mengetahui pasangan kita tidak jujur dalam perhubungan? Tidak kah kita rasa tertipu?
Ketiga: Adakah kita rasa hormat kepada seseorang yang sering menipu diri kita?
Sama-samalah kita renungkan.... Wallahualam..
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Friends of mine
Tiba-tiba rindu sangat kat someone.. Hmmm... Someone yang tak kurang istimewanya dalam hidup saya..
Maklumlah, ramai dalam list sesayangs saya ni...
Yang dirindui ni dua orang... Mula kenal mereka sejak Nurul berumur 17 tahun (which is lepas SPM and masa jejak kaki kat UiTM) Diorang sentiasa ada untk saya sampai la sekarang.. Waktu sedih, perit, nangis, kecewa, stress, bosan, marah, bengang dan gembira semua diorang ada.. Walau jarang2 jumpa sebab kesibukan krja and personal life, kami tetap dihubungkan melalui BBM, Whatsapp, WeChat, email dan telefon.*Macam promote plak kan. Kadang-kadang telefon company..(tu pun sebab kami kerja under group yg sama).
*PERINGATAN: I'm talking about ladies ye..So to my sayang Encik GA, jangan la terasa hati tau..awak pun dalam list sesayangs saya..Cuma nama awak kat tepi ada simbol love skit.. wink .*
Mula2 kenal dulu, macam2 kerenah kebudakan yg dah kita lalui....including kene serang dalam bilik waktu kat kolej dulu....(korang faham2 je la sape ye....xmau sebut kat sini...) sorg lagi slalu bw sy pg band club (tak ingat dah ape kita slalu panggil tu) n blajar music kononnya.tapi xreti2 gak smpi skang..jatuh cinta monyet ada la...(yg ni pun korg sndiri la tahu sape)..xkurang juga yg bwak sy join lelab kebudayaan..all the zapin steps still fresh in my mind..actually I really miss those moments dgn u guys..
Seorang ni asyik ada je untuk dgr sy bebel n marah2 pastu dia pun join skali..dia juga yg asyik suruh saya sabar2...pastu asyik bising jgn slalu minum coffee..rasanya dia sangat tahu my good and bad side..hehehe..so sape nak betul2 tahu pasal saya kene grab dia dulu kot..(ini rahsia antara kita je tau.) katanya lagi, kene selalu exercise untuk buang asid dalam badan..(okay semua yang jual pelekat2 untuk buang asid boleh tutup kedai kalau semua org selalu pg jogging.....nak kahwin tahun ni juga katanya...tapi kalau kamu kahwin tahun ni terpaksalah cari pengapit lain..hehehe
Yang sorg lagi, dari dulu asyik marah n suruh saya 'move on'...move on in terms of having a better career life ye...jgn duk kat takuk lama je..takut sgt nak jump katanya..mommy cantik to a daughter n son...grg xhengat punye..org melaka katakn...
To both of u... u guys really influenced my life...love u so much...thank u sbb marah2...
Those great idea of still having you guys as the musketeers in my life will never be regretted.....
Thank you liza n jaja...
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Trainee Marcom
Her last day here at Dorsett KL.
Ada masa datang lawat2 kitorang kat sini ya.
Appreciate all those memories k.
Hope to see you around.
Good luck!!!!!
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